And the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
A statement on the attitude of Christians toward seeking professional psychological help can be found here:
Because man is tripartite and has a body, soul, and spirit, there is in a sense a tripartite contribution to mental illness, and all three parts need care. In the spiritual realm, we have a ruthless enemy which seeks to attack and damage our soul so that we cannot participate in God’s plan for us, and there is an influence of sin which leads to a contamination of our body’s need for nourishment, procreation, and protection. Our enjoyment and experience of Christ, prayer to the Lord, and meeting with other believers are a vital part of addressing these matters. In the physical realm, a lack of proper care of our sleep, diet, and exercise can contribute to mental illness, as can biochemical or physiological differences which may necessitate the help of a psychiatrist. Finally, in the psychological realm, we can develop unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and behaviors as a result of our experiences, such as loss, trauma, abandonment, or abuse, which may necessitate the help of a psychologist or therapist/counselor.
Everyone experiences emotions such as depression and anxiety as part of normal human experience. However, a sign that professional help may be needed is if these emotions are causing significant distress. For example, if you are feeling so depressed that you are crying often, not doing things you usually enjoy, or feeling worthless and hopeless, or if you are feeling so anxious that you are often worrying and even your body feels anxious, you may need professional help from a mental health professional. Another sign that professional help may be needed is if these emotions are causing functional impairment. For example, if you are feeling so depressed or anxious that you are unable to go to school or work, participate in social activities, or get out of bed, or these types of activities require significant effort, you may need professional help from a mental health professional.
Mental health professionals are individuals who have specialized training in diagnosing and/or treating mental health disorders. The two main types of interventions used include medications and therapy/counseling. There is a wide range of training requirements for different types of mental health professionals. In the United States (and many countries), mental health professionals have advanced degrees and a license and/or certification in their fields. For an introduction to the different types of mental health providers, visit:
Psychiatrists and psychologists are two types of mental health professionals. A psychiatrist attends medical school, obtains a M.D. or D.O. with specialty training in psychiatry, and is trained under a medical perspective of mental illness (i.e., focus on physiological and biochemical causes). A psychologist attends graduate school, obtains a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in clinical or counseling psychology, and is trained under a biopsychosocial perspective of mental illness (i.e., focus on the interconnection between biology, psychology, and environment). Regarding assessment, or the diagnosis of mental health disorders, psychiatrists primarily use clinical interviewing and screening measures, while psychologists typically use a longer battery of assessment measures. Regarding intervention, or the treatment of mental health disorders, psychiatrists primarily use medication, which are effective for symptom reduction and often work quickly, while psychologists primarily use therapy or counseling (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy), which are effective for addressing negative thoughts, emotions, or behaviors over a longer period of time. The most effective treatment is usually a combination of medication and therapy. Oftentimes, it will take multiple trials of medications or therapists to find the best fit, and it is important to monitor the effectiveness of both medication and therapy so that adjustments can be made for the best treatment.
Finding professional help for mental health concerns can be similar to finding help for other health concerns. If you have a primary care physician, you may choose to bring up your concerns to get some local recommendations. If you have insurance, you may contact your insurance provider to find in-network mental health professionals. If you are working, check with your human resources or employee assistance program to learn about mental health resources available to you. If you are a student, check with your school or university, as most offer free or reduced mental health services. Many mental health clinics, including training clinics (e.g., universities), offer services on a “sliding scale” for students or those in financial need. If these resources are not available to you, you may search for local mental health providers online using various search engines, such as those provided in the General Resources section of this website. Notably, it can be difficult to find the best provider for you, and it is important to not be discouraged if you have a negative experience with treatment. Many times it may take multiple attempts to find the best fit with a therapist or medication.
When you are trying to find a health care professional in any field, there are many factors to consider. Typically, the most important factor is whether the professional is trained (i.e., has the appropriate education and experience) and qualified (i.e., has the appropriate certification or specialty) to meet your need. Additional factors could include distance, in-network vs. out-of-network status, patient reviews, and personal characteristics of the professional (e.g., gender, age, race/ethnicity, religious beliefs). It is up to you to examine these additional factors and determine which professional is the best fit for you. It is worth highlighting that the more advanced and specialized training the professional has in treating concerns like yours, the more likely you are to see significant improvements. Notably, mental health professionals are trained to be respectful of patients’ beliefs and worldviews, especially religious beliefs. This respect for your faith can allow you to make significant progress in treatment even with a professional who does not share the same religious beliefs.
If someone opens up to you about mental health issues, the most important step is to listen with empathy and without judgment. Provide encouragement and hope, in addition to information about self-help and professional help. If you are concerned regarding the possibility of suicide or self-harm, it is important to ask directly about these concerns and assess for the severity of risk. These concerns should be taken seriously, and confidentiality should not be promised to ensure safety. Developing a safety plan or contract with the individual and notifying a family member are important for their safety. Follow-up is typically necessary, including initiation of outpatient therapy, intensive outpatient or residential programs, or inpatient treatment. In high-risk or emergency situations, bring the individual to the nearest emergency department or contact emergency services (911) or the suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255) and stay with the individual to ensure their safety. If applicable, remove any practical access to objects or factors in the immediate environment that could be used to attempt suicide.
Unfortunately, there is often a stigma, or negative perception, surrounding mental health issues or treatment both in society and among Christians. For many, this stigma often presents a barrier to seeking the appropriate professional help. As Christians, we must consider our own reactions to mental health issues and how they may contribute to this stigma. Fear, misinformation, and judgment are the main contributors to stigma towards mental illness. Because of fear, we may avoid or pull away from individuals that open up regarding mental health difficulties, which may increase their feelings of isolation. Because of misinformation, we may give unhelpful responses such as telling them they need to pray more or touch their spirit more, which may discourage them from finding appropriate professional help. And because of judgment, we may respond with criticism or invalidate their experience, which may exacerbate their suffering. To decrease this stigma, we must not be afraid to talk about mental health, be adequately informed about appropriate assessment and intervention, and be careful regarding having an attitude that may devalue the suffering of others.
A statement on how allegations of abuse should be handled can be found here:
Information on laws by state regarding reporting child abuse and neglect can be found here: